- Cholera
- Typhoid Fever
- Paratyphoid Fever
- Diarrhea
- Bacillary Dy sentry
Diseases Caused By Parasitic Ova:
- Amoebic Dysentery
- Yellow Fever
Diseases Caused By Organic Matter:
- Diarrhea
- Gastric Disturbances
Diseases Caused By Inorganic Matter:
- Constipation
- Brittle Bones
Preventive Measures:
- Water should be checked thoroughly &
disinfected before supply to the public.
- Water should be safe & wholesome.
- Water must be supplied to the public after
sterilization & purification.
- The water lines & sewer lines should not
be laid closer to each other.
- The points of water leakage should be sealed
- In case of any doubt in water supply the water
should be boiled before it's use.
- The dose of chlorine should be increased as it
may change odour or taste but still help people free from any possible
serious water borne disease.
- The city should be kept neat & clean.
- If any of above disease is reported the people
should be immunized & inoculated.
commentstanker lorry water supply in chennai anna nagar
Replylorry water supply in chennai anna nagar