Rapid Hardening Cement

Rapid Hardening Cement

It attains it's strength rapidly than normal Cements. It's also known as Early Strength Cement. The strength of this Cement at the age of 3 days is equal to the 7 days strength of ordinary Portland Cement with the same water Cement ratio.
Due to higher amount of c3s and finer grinding of clinkers this Cement attains it's strength rapidly.
It is 10% costly than Ordinary Portland Cement.

It's residue by weight is not to be exceed 5% when sieved through Is sieve number 9.
In Soundness Test, it's expansion is not more than 10 mm.
It's initial Setting Time is not less than 30 minutes and Final Setting Time is not more than 10 hours.
It's Compressive Strength after 1 day should not be less than 16 N/mm2 and after 3 days should not be less than 27 N/mm2.
It's used when formwork is to be removed for reuse as in the case of precast concrete.
It is used for the repairs of roads and air fields, where it is important to open the roads to traffic without delay.
It is used for cold weather concreting because rapid rate of heat development protect concrete against freezing.

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