To find out the hardness of the given water sample by using standard EDTA Method

To find out the hardness of the given water sample by using standard EDTA Method

Apparatus: Burette with stand, Pipette, Conical Flask, Funnel

Reagents: Standard N/50 EDTA solution, Ammonia Buffer Solution,  Eriochrome Black T Indicator

Theory: Hardness of water is its that characteristic which prevents the formation of sufficient foam, when it is mixed with soaps. The water is said to be soft when it's hardness lies between 0 -  75, moderately hard 75 -  150, hard 150 -  300, very hard >300.

I.   Take 100ml of water sample in a Conical Flask.
II.  Add one ml of Ammonia buffer solution to the Flask.
III. Add 6 drops Eriochrome Black T Indicator to the Flask. Wine red colour will be developed.
IV.  Titration it with Standard EDTA solution till the colour changes from wine red to blue.

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August 20, 2018 at 7:10 PM delete

As a global Contract Research Organization (CRO), headquartered in New York, USA, Alfa Chemistry has served the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries for eight years. Eriochrome Black T
